Thursday, March 6, 2008

It's Good To Be Home

Tim Reynolds

I just got back from Honduras on Saturday night. It was like a time warp, the same group of kids were sitting on my couch watching movies as were on my couch watching movies when I left one week before. (And they weren't my kids, that would be normal).

Monday we went to Yosemite and snowshoed around the valley floor. It's good to be home. We're blessed to be in America.

Actually Honduras was nice, hilly, and the weather was perfect. It was nice to be Central America, actually it was nice to be anywhere other than Africa for a change since I have been going to Africa on a regular basis for the last four years.

One interesting thing about Central America was that they speak better English in Africa than they do in Central America. I kind of enjoyed it actually as I have always had a warm spot in my heart for Spanish speaking people. I enjoy speaking the language and have fancied myself a Spanish Speaker for many years now. Based on the smiles I get when speaking Spanish, everyone else seems to enjoy it also.

I remember my Honeymoon in Mexico. Trying to impress my new bride, I ordered a pizza with extra bones (You know, Queso vs. Hueso). Hey, what's a letter or two among friends? I'm sure worse mistakes have been made (Some of them by me). Like the time I kissed the Minister of Health in Afghanistan on national T.V. and started a national scandal. You should have seen them confiscating T.V. cameras. I found out that following the lead of others is a good way to adapt to new cultures, unless the "others" happen to be women and your a man. Such is the life of a humanitarian.

On a more serious note, it is a privilege to be involved in helping others. In Honduras we poured two concrete pads that will receive water treatments plants for hospitals in La Esperanza and Gracias Limpira. Both are nice communities that just need a little help. The water treatment plants will ensure safe drinking water for all the in patients at the hospital. Imagine going to the hospital for a simple treatment and getting sick from the water. Not a good thing. Like I said, it is a simple pleasure to be helping others.

Like the old biblical adage says, It is better to give than to receive.

Until later,

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