Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Chile: Wrapping Up

We wrapped up the installation by noon today. Everything is running great and the director of the Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), the hospital director and everyone else involved are thrilled with the results. The nurses from the adjoining ICU are asking if they can have some of the monitors placed in their unit. They have four different monitors in the ICU and none of them are connected to a central station. They really like the capabilities that the monitors and central station offers. Training continued for the nurses and several doctors. We also began training the biomedical engineers.

Tonight was a large dinner given by the Punta Arenas Rotary Club. It was a formal affair in an old 19th century home that had belonged to a large sheep rancher who had over a million sheep at one point. It was a very ornate building and seemed out of place in Punta Arenas. We arrived at 9 PM but dinner wasn’t served until 10:30 and we didn’t get back to the hotel until after 1 AM. These late dinners are brutal but the team is handling the late nights well enough, although we could use more than 5 or 6 hours of sleep.

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