Monday, October 29, 2007

The A.I. Warehouse & 'Hungry Green' Walls

The last time we connected I was sitting at the Talapia Beach, "half-of-a-star" Resort in Kisumu, Kenya.

Today I'm sitting in Pappas Bar-B-Q in Houston, Texas extolling the virtues of Assist International to a group of pastors who have gathered for a ministerial conference. I'm trying to engage them in the stories and drama of good people locked in poverty, trying to meet the basic needs of their family, lacking basic health care, some even orphaned and abandoned. In short I'm trying to get them excited enough to help support Assist International and it's efforts to fulfill the command of Christ to 'Go into all the world". I'd like to get them to fund at least "a cup of cold water" in His name, through Assist International of course.

Why Assist? For one, 97% or all donations goes straight to the need for which it was given. Less than 3% percent goes to administrate the gift.

So I'm in the middle of my stories when my phone rings.... It's my wife Cheri. She's just driven by the Distribution Center we are building in California's Central Valley and she wants to know why the stucco wall panels are "Hunter Green". Hunter Green? I say, please tell me no. Early on Bob said he wanted the trim to be "Hungry Green". For those of you who are familiar with Bob's infamous "pagettism" this translates to "Hunter Green". Hunter Green is a fine color for building trim, but I fear a Hunter Green building has to be criminal. I'm not sure anyone has ever been crazy enough to paint an entire building hunter green. I once had a neighbor who painted their house trim "Crest Blue" like the tooth paste. Again, trim is one thing, but the entire 24,000 square feet? That's about 20,000 square feet of over bearing hunter green walls. Can you say, "problems with your neighbors?"

As tears came to my eyes and I fumbled for my steak knife to end it all, she let me know she was joking. Maybe if I stayed home more she'd take it easier on me. I love her!!!

Relieved I get on the phone and find that the construction of the warehouse is coming along fine. The fund raising letters have yielded dismal returns and the need remains "great", but at least the walls aren't green. Now I can't wait to get to Ripon and see for myself that the walls are "Warm White" like they're supposed to be. Then I'll kiss the ground, take my dirty lips home and kiss my wife like she deserves. I miss her.

Until later,


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